Services, Wellness Consultant Wendi Vaughn Services, Wellness Consultant Wendi Vaughn

To Pimp A 9 to 5

Need help finding a job to fund your dream? I can help! Resumes, cover letters, professional emails, thank you and follow up messages to secure your next gig.

In today’s world, almost everyone is working on their dream job. Often times what we really want to do takes shape when we totally embrace ourselves entrepreneurs. But how do we fund our entrepreneurial pursuits? The answer for many is a 9 to 5.

Creatives and other business owners understand that a 9 to 5 gig is a traditional job where you work for someone else. I know for someone who is accustomed to working for him or herself, getting a “regular” job can feel like a mega fail. But let’s reframe this. Why can’t we use our regular 9 to 5 jobs to fund the dreams and passions that make our hearts beat?

As a business owner who works a regular gig, I’ve learned how to balance my time in a way that allows me plenty of space to get my boss’s work done (AT WORK) then when I’m off, I get to work on My Company - in this case I Am Wendi with an I. Using what I gotta do to fund what I want to do has been a great mind shift for me. I go to the 9 to 5 excited because I’m working at a place where I get to meet people, help people, network with people, and make money to fuel my own business.

If you need help developing this mind shift and getting your professional documents together, please contact me @iamwendiwithani on IG or We want you to succeed and be happy.


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